Monday 7 March 2011

Ice and fire - oil painting

Ice and fire - Oil painting on panel (6"x8") by Benoit Philippe

This place is one hundred metres from home. Any other time of the year, it looks like an unlikely candidate for a painting: a few trees and a rumble of branches in a muddy area. But with fresh snow from the night and the rising sun on the horizon, the scene was simply beautiful.


Cmichaudart said...

this is wonderful, and I love the title. Funny how a change of season completely changes the look of a spot...I like what you captured here, contrasts....

Benoit Philippe said...

Thank you Cindy. Regarding the title, I thought first about "A cold morning" and found it boring. Then, I tried something around the work "Complimentary" as it is essentially based around the opposition between complimentary colours, but found this word and the derived titles too long. However, this led me to think of contrast and this is how I came up with the title: Ice and fire. Ideas take a strange turn sometimes.

